Innov8 Digital Media Feelworld Creators Logo
Innov8 Digital Media Official supported by Business Wales
Innov8 Digital Media supported by Enterprise Hub
Innov8 Digital Media Official suppliers to Bangor University

Pricing Options

We offer monthly or yearly retainer packages. Each type of retainer provides different amounts of discounts and support.

Why choose an Innov8 Digital Media Retainer Package?


Discounts on packages

Innov8 Digital Media Retainer Packages can provide up to 15% discount on service packages.

Priority service

Innov8 Digital Media Retainer Packages provide priority service.

Priority support

Innov8 Digital Media Retainer Packages provide priority support.

Monthly planning call

Innov8 Digital Media Retainer Packages provide a monthly catch up and planning call.

North Wales & Chester Monthly Retainers Packages


£1000.00 +
Prices dependent on specifics of quote request, location, and outcome of online survey/risk assesment where relevant
  • 5% discount on service packages

  • Priority service

  • Priority support

  • Monthly catch up/planning call

£2000.00 +
Prices dependent on specifics of quote request, location, and outcome of online survey/risk assesment where relevant
  • 10% discount on service packages

  • Priority service

  • Priority support

  • Monthly catch up/planning call

£3000.00 +
Prices dependent on specifics of quote request, location, and outcome of online survey/risk assesment where relevant
  • 15% discount on service packages

  • Priority service

  • Priority support

  • Monthly catch up/planning call